Tuesday 27 October 2009


hari ni, selasa... dah masuk hari ke-2 dalam minggu terakhir aku belajar paediatrics... 2 days more to attestation day... haih... macam mana persediaan ku...??? dalam proses la ni... hahaha... tetibe teringat pasal our (my class) patient of the day;

Kruglov Nikita Aleksandreevich, 14 years old boy. from his anemnesis, he suffers from many diseases. and one of them, as far as i know, doctors still cannot determine what is in his lung. some spots my lecturer said. its maybe tuberculosis or mucormycosis she said... this my first day to know about mucormycosis... when my lecturer told us about the spot in the lung, i only thought of tuberculosis... huhu... sikit betul ilmu... haih... really kene bace lagi... more over, he has diabetes mellitus type 1... die juga ade development anomalies of his bronchus, that's why doctors here can't scope his lung and afraid that pathological focal will bursed which may cause deterioration of patients condition... when my lecturer describe him, sangat kurus dan keadaan kebersihan badan die seperti tiada orang yang take care of him (maaf, i just write down what my lecturer said...)... tapi die ade ibu dan ayah... die datang ke hospital for the first time pon with him father... bile my lecturer sebut pasal sangat kurus, teringat pasal seorang budak ni...

'his age around 19 or 20 years of age according to malaysian people (memang budak-budak sini badan besar-besar...huhu...)... mase tu tengah pusing-pusing ward, and i stopped at one of my friend to look at his patient history... then rase susah pulak nak bace tulisan russian ni, then my eyes gazing around the ward... lepas tu, ternampak la sekumpulan budak yang tengah beratur depan seorang nurse perempuan yang berambut putih untuk amik glucose level mase tu... yang datang dengan mak ade, dengan nenek ade... tapi ade seorang budak ni, berdiri sorang-sorang je... berambut panjang sehingga ke bahu, bercermin mata dan sangat kurus... dan masa tu terfikir... tak tahu la pulak, diabetes mellitus ni boleh buat patient sampai kurus macam ni sekali... and that's him...'

berbalik kepade cerita dalam kelas... huhuhu... dan aku pun bertanye kepada cikgu, budak ni, yang pakai spek mata tu ke?... yeah, that's him my lecturer said... awak penah tengok die...??? ye, saye tengok die mase round ward untuk tengok patient history aritu... sangat kesian...

kami tengok nikita punya blood analysis, on the first day he was admitted to the hospital, die punye pH darah 6,83 (metabolic acidosis) in normal people, pH darah is 7,35-7,45... kemudian cikgu cakap, condition patient ni sangat teruk, dengan pH darah macam tu... people hardly survive, такой pH для труп, как люди пережить такие pH (dengan pH macam tu untuk mayat, macam mana manusia boleh survive dengan pH sebegitu)... cikgu cakap dengan perlahan... first-first sekali, aku tergelak, aku ingat lecturer tu bergurau... tapi bile tengok muke die, sangat serius, rasa sangat bersalah... baru terfikir, betape tinggi nye semangat nikita untuk hidup... dan die bernafas gune mesin semase mula-mula masuk ke hospital... sekarang die dah boleh berjalan around the ward... really happy for him... hope that, soon, brilliant doctors here can figure out how to treat this patient...


--> bersyukurlah dengan umur kita yang masih panjang, dan gunakanlah ia sebaiknya... insyaAllah...

-->my datuk's trade mark since raihan tak keluarkan lagi lagu ni... hehehee...
---------> SI = sihat sebelum sakit
---------> LA = lambat sebelum cepat
---------> KA = kaya sebelum miskin
---------> MU = muda sebelum tua
---------> HI = hidup sebelum mati
---------> SAB = sabar sebelum marah



  1. woh... dah bace ye... hehehe... time kasih... ade gak orang menghargai crite2 picisan cam ni... mekasih muzamir... nnt aku tulis lagi...

  2. pnjang gle entry~ingat nk bc lagi..bkpo brenti dah..huhu...anYway...take care bro..btw, kat hospital ada spegeti ngn babi?? yakk~huhu~

  3. haha... not again... i'll treat myself dkat umah je... hehehe...
